Adult bullying issues
In general, any "splitting off" from the rest of society, singling out groups and emphasizing one's affiliation is often a reason bright enough to attract the attention of the aggressor. People with different skin color, different orientation, different wealth or any other distinguishing characteristics can become victims only because they stand out from the mass around them. Today we are going to talk about the bullying of adults and how to cope with it.
Differences in baiting children and adults
There is one main difference in hounding a child from hitting an adult – adults have more experience. Including experience, how to behave in difficult situations and respond to insults, ridicule, outright harassment. A child or teenager, who for the first time in his life finds himself in a situation of bullying, is much more vulnerable.
There are more opportunities for adult people, they do not tolerate harassment and degrading treatment. One of the necessary conditions for bullying is the space, the social environment, which is very difficult or even impossible to leave. In the lives of children, such spaces are much larger than in the lives of adults. For adults, such places (except perhaps the places of deprivation of liberty) are practically absent.
Internet harassment, for example, also proceeds in a certain sense with regard to the limitation of personal space - its consequences either manifest themselves in real life or occur exclusively on the network, but with the involvement of personal messages, thirdparty sites, LCI compromising information immediate environment and other means of pressure.
The consequences of bullying
The experience of harassment has serious implications for all involved. Children suffering from harassment are easily excitable and more depressed than other children. They may be afraid to go to school, and their trust in other people is undermined. That is why their parents should detect this state of their children as soon as possible.
It is also a corrupting and negative experience for the instigators and aggressors. The situation of persecution in the classroom and at school plunges all children into stress, because if this is the case, if persecution is in the order of things, part of ordinary life, then you cannot be sure that they will not do it with you tomorrow, you cannot relax for a minute. Stress exhausts the person’s psyche, does not allow to get concentrated on work, leaves no room for learning motivation, curiosity, development of abilities, and creativity.
Such a problem is observed not only in the case of a child's recovery but also in the case of psychological work with an adult who has survived a bullying situation. There is no middle age of the victim in either children or adults. Anyone can get into this situation. We can talk about bullying, which can occur in kindergarten, and at any school age. Even teachers can be victims of child bullying.
Practically everybody is at risk. There is even such a thing as "observer injury": those children (or adults, which is also possible), who only watch the bullying, but do not participate in it, are still traumatized. They worry about their own security and are often forced to take one of the sides, for example, to follow the aggressor in order to protect themselves.
Our son, Tyler